Juniper Hill Commons Cohousing Community

Creating a space for collaborative, multi-generational residential life
Harrisonburg Cohousing needed comprehensive civil engineering services for the development of its “modern village” multi-generational neighborhood, Juniper Hill Commons, in Harrisonburg, VA.
Colman Engineering developed site and utility plans for 28 dwelling units and a common house, as well as associated driveways, walking paths, green spaces, parking spaces, and private roadways.
Colman Engineering also designed drainage, erosion control, and stormwater facilities aligned with Harrisonburg Cohousing's environmentally conscious approach.
The new cohousing neighborhood is expected to enable green, sustainable community development and the construction of relationships on a meaningful, long-term level for its multi-generational residents.
Harrisonburg, VA
Harrisonburg Cohousing
Juniper Hill Commons is a proposed multi-generational neighborhood designed to experience the richness of life shared together. They aim to create a cohousing community in Harrisonburg, Virginia, developing a “modern village” where neighbors know each other and live more collaborative, sustainable lives.