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Park View Water Tank

Park View Water Tank

Modernizing water infrastructure to enable community and campus growth for generations to come

The water tank serving the northwest neighborhoods, as well as the EMU campus, was reaching the end of its lifespan. And its 75,000-gallon capacity was preventing new development in the area.

Colman Engineering worked with the Harrisonburg Department of Public Utilities, in collaboration with EMU and the Park View neighborhood, to design a site for the new, 500,000-gallon elevated water tank. Colman Engineering created a conceptual site design and final site design that addressed the needs of the city, the University, and the affected neighbors—interacting and negotiating with stakeholders and responding to needs along the way.

Colman Engineering also designed the access road to the proposed tank site, the tank site itself, a pump station site, and transmission lines associated with the project.

Part of the design included addressing stormwater management and water quality issues associated with the new development. Colman Engineering designed appropriate BMPs to address stormwater runoff and pollutant removals, per Virginia DEQ standards and requirements.

The new tank is expected to serve the community and the campus for the next 75 years, allowing the campus and the neighborhood to resume its growth.


Harrisonburg, VA


City of Harrisonburg Department of Public Utilities

The Department of Public Utilities supplies water and sewer services to roughly 18,000 accounts in Harrisonburg and parts of Rockingham County, serving residential, business, industrial, and recreational needs.

City of Harrisonburg Department of Public Utilities
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