Turner Avenue Sidewalk and Drainage

Creating safer pedestrian access while solving downstream flooding challenges
The Town of Broadway was looking to extend a sidewalk along Turner Avenue, a main road running past an elementary school and leading to a park and community center. But they also wanted to take the opportunity to address flooding downstream.
The Colman Engineering team met with the Town of Broadway to discuss their goals for the project. They then developed a site plan that included the requested sidewalk and accommodated all crossing utilities and easements along the properties impacted by the project. To address the flooding issues, the team provided a drainage design and stormwater facility to attenuate flows downstream from Turner Avenue.
Colman Engineering also assisted by preparing the construction bid documents, conducting the bid opening, responding to contractor questions, and selecting the winning bid.
With their new sidewalk and stormwater facility, the Town of Broadway now has a safer pedestrian path to the park, school, and community center, while also addressing their flooding problem.
Broadway, VA
Town of Broadway, VA
Nestled in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley, the Town of Broadway is a thriving community of over 4,000. Broadway offers parks for sports, swimming, walking trails, and outdoor recreation. The town hosts special events throughout the year, fostering a strong sense of community.